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In the Spotlight… Health and Safety: EKFB’s Inaugural Engagement Gala 2022

In June, over a five-day period, more than 3,000 people attended EKFB’s first ever C23 Engagement Gala at a compound in Northamptonshire.

As part of EKFB’s commitment to safety, health and wellbeing, the gala showcased different products and equipment, interactive demonstrations, training, and other solutions aimed at improving people’s SHW at work.

Among the exhibits was a plant ‘arena’, including participation from plant partners, Plantforce, Flannery, Blackwell, Walters and Tarmac. Visitors had the chance to sit in the cab of the plant to experience first-hand where the blind spots are in a vehicle of this size, and experience what it’s like to operate different plant using the simulators provided.

PAM Occupational Health ran several stands, promoting wellbeing, a healthy lifestyle and importance of exercise and guests participated in stretching sessions.

A series of work tools and safety equipment stalls included a PPE product showcase, and utilities avoidance was also demonstrated. Throughout the day, visitors heard from the experts and had the chance to ask their questions.

Inside the main marquee, attendees took part in VR and experienced piling works using Bauer Keller’s new simulator. Stands were also set up to promote OxStays, EKFB’s new accommodation booking system, and Liftshare, a new scheme promoting carpooling to work.

EKFB’s community engagement, EDI and HR teams were also on hand to deliver informative presentations about their functions and the different career opportunities available.

In the compound’s briefing room, drama group, Dramanon, delivered several sessions throughout the day using immersive drama to address how better briefings could be carried out. There was also a focus on health, safety and wellbeing weaved into its workforce messaging.

One of the most popular stands was Construction Sport, which encouraged people to ‘let off steam’ with a friendly game of football, basketball, or rugby, and promoted the benefits a kickaround can have on mental health at the end of a long day of work.

Every day a different delivery project across EKFB’s 80km stretch of HS2, was transported to the event via coach. Over the course of the week some 3,000 people attended the event, marking it as a great success for the IPT.

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