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General Privacy Notice

EKFB is committed to maintaining your privacy. We comply with data protection laws that are applicable in respect of data processing within the UK. This privacy notice sets out how EKFB collects, uses, and protects your personal data and your rights in relation to your personal data. EKFB is committed to maintaining the privacy of those whom we collect data about. Personal data is any information about an individual which allows them to be identified.
This Privacy Notice regulates the use and protection by EKFB, an unincorporated contractual joint venture between Kier Infrastructure and Overseas Limited, Eiffage Génie Civil, Ferrovial Construction UK Ltd and BAM Nuttall Ltd (“Eiffage Kier Ferrovial BAM”), of “personal data” you provide or we collect.

Personal data is information which identifies (or which could, with other information that we hold or are likely to hold, identify) a living individual.

Information we may collect from you on our website

To facilitate your interest in EKFB, we may collect and process the following personal data about you:

  • Name, employer details and job title

  • Contact information, including email address

  • Additional information you may voluntarily provide

  • Your computer IP address

Information we may collect from you if you visit an EKFB site

If you physically visit an EKFB site, we may collect and process personal data about you including:

  • Name

  • Contact information

  • Details about your vehicle

  • Details about your employer

  • Images about you from CCTV footage 

  • Information relating to health and safety

  • Complaint, incident and accident details

For General Processing ‘Special Category Data’ is personal data that is regarded as particularly sensitive and includes information relating to:

  • Race

  • Ethic origin

  • Religious/philosophical beliefs

  • Health (including Physical or mental health or condition)

How will we use your data?

While the specific reason for your personal data capture will in some cases be clear from the context at the time of data capture, your personal data will usually be used for one or more of the following reasons:

  • for health and safety purposes

  • for security purposes

  • for prevention and detection of crime and anti-social behaviour

  • to monitor conduct of our employees or other individuals on or around EKFB property

  • to monitor and evidence environmental impacts e.g. to monitor the impact of our services in the local area

  • to improve our business and the services we provide

  • to answer any queries you may have

We do not undertake any processing of your personal data by automated means in order to make decisions about you.


Do we pass data to third parties?

We (or an agent working on our behalf) may pass your personal data to third parties for the purpose of assisting with our obligations. These third parties may include, where applicable:

  • Our ICT (Information and Communications Technology) service providers

  • Our Physical Security service providers

  • Companies that provide services to us, including surveying service providers

  • Our environmental monitoring and health and safety service providers

We may pass your personal data to government bodies, regulators, law enforcement agencies, courts/tribunals where we are required to do so.

We enter into a data processing agreement with companies that process your data on our behalf to ensure the same level of security and confidentiality of your data.


How is my data safeguarded?

The security of your data is important to us. Access to the data is only provided to our staff and other third parties who need access to support our processes.

We have in place security measures to protect the security of your personal information and keep it confidential. We review these measures regularly to make sure they remain appropriate.

We may transfer and process your data outside of the UK. Where your personal information is to be transferred outside the UK we will take reasonable steps to ensure that there are appropriate safeguards to protect your information.

Data Retention Periods

We will keep your data for only as long as necessary. The length of this retention period depends on the context and purpose for which the data was obtained and its nature. When considering retention periods, we take into account our legal, regulatory, contractual and professional obligations.

Video imagery will usually be kept for no longer than 30 days, but in some cases we may retain personal data for a longer period.
For example, we may retain video images for a longer period for health and safety reasons or, if evidential data is captured, then that will usually be retained for 6 months or longer, if we are required by law enforcement authorities to retain it.

On what grounds will we process your personal data

We must have a legal reason to process your personal information. The information you provide will be processed:

  • to meet our legitimate interests to facilitate the services we provide

  • to comply with our legal obligations in relation to any applicable health and safety law

  • to perform a public interest task or exercise official authority, and that overall task or authority has a sufficiently clear basis in law

  • for the interest of public safety, the prevention and detection of crime, apprehension, and prosecution of offenders and for legal proceedings

  • for the purposes of preventative or occupational medicine

View, modify or delete data

You have rights regarding your personal information, including the right to access and correct your information and, in certain circumstances, erase, restrict or object to our use of it. We may need extra information from you to deal with any request.

To ensure that the request has actually been made by you, EKFB may ask you for proof of identity. We will respond to your request as soon as possible and, in any case, within four weeks.

The removal of your personal data is only possible when the data is no longer relevant.

Please send your request for the review, correction, deletion or transfer of your personal data or a request for withdrawal of your consent or objection to the processing of your personal data to:


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Complaints procedures

In the event that you have cause for complaint please contact us and we will follow up to resolve this. If you have a data privacy related complaint, you also have the option to direct your complaint to the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO).

EKFB is an unincorporated Joint Venture. The legal entities that have responsibilities to maintain compliance with privacy laws are the partners that make up the Joint Venture. Where relevant you may contact the Data Protection Teams at the relevant partner company:

  • EKFB Privacy Team


    • 5th Floor Exchange House, Midsummer Boulevard, Milton Keynes, MK9 2EA, UK

  • Eiffage Génie Civil

  • Kier Infrastructure and Overseas Limited


    • Kier Group Data Protection Officer, Marriott House, Brindley Close, Rushden NN10 6EN, UK

  • Ferrovial Construction (UK) Ltd


    • Tenth Floor BSi Building, 389 Chiswick High Road, LONDON, W4 4AL, UK

  • Bam Nuttall Ltd

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