This week saw the launch of ‘Wellbeing Wednesdays’, a new initiative introduced by the EKFB Health and Wellbeing team, which is made up of occupational health provider PAM, and trained volunteers from around the organisation.
The jam-packed inaugural launch day, which took place at the team’s MK head office, consisted of multiple activities ranging from a relaxing ‘breathe’ seminar to having blood pressure readings taken.
Head of Occupational Health Alison Crawley and Wellbeing Champion Lead Katie Heritage shed light on the importance of having this programme embedded into EKFBs everyday work life:
Why is EKFB investing in this new campaign?
“Work can have a positive impact on our health and wellbeing. Mentally and physically healthy, motivated workers can have an equally positive impact on the productivity and effectiveness of a business.
“Historically, health in the workplace has focused on just the physical health and safety aspect for a business, for instance, reducing physical hazards such as noise, dust and vibration. While addressing these issues is still essential, EKFB recognise the importance of creating a workplace that promotes and supports good health and wellbeing and to advance in the health and wellbeing sphere, a more proactive approach is vital.”
What’s the long-term vision for EKFBs wellbeing campaign?
“The aim for our organisational plan is to integrate health and wellbeing throughout the organisation, embed it within culture, leadership and people management.
“EKFB will provide the opportunity for workers to be responsible for taking care of their own health and wellbeing both at work and out of work. For individuals the plan will focus on the promotion of health and wellbeing, the prevention of illness and the opportunity for the individual to thrive.
“We will actively encourage workers to look out for themselves and each other and promote an environment where good health is the norm.
“To address the shift from a reactive health strategy to a one that has a focus on prevention and promotion of positive health behaviours, EKFB has adopted the 5 ways to wellbeing approach, see diagram below.”
“We would like to run Wellbeing Wednesdays in all EKFB construction sites and encourage involvement from all who work with and for us.”
Who is the team made up of?
“EKFB appoints, trains and supports a network of Wellbeing Champions.
“The Wellbeing Champions are recruited from both our own and our subcontract community and be provided with training and support to be able to assist in bringing the strategy to life.
What’s the desired outcome of this new campaign?
“To raise the profile of health within EKFB to show that we care about people. For individuals we ask they consider making a small change that could have great benefits to their health.