Substantial efforts to set up a strong EDI plan for the project were rewarded last week as Eiffage Kier was awarded the conditional Investors in Diversity standard. Following an assessment by the National Centre of Diversity, auditors confirmed that “there is a tangible commitment to EDI within the organisation and the established momentum is sustainable”.
Our Equality, Diversity & Inclusion Manager, Elena Gonzalez, explains what the next steps in the journey will be...
"We are now aiming to achieve the next level up – Leaders in Diversity, meaning our EDI action plan must be completed and assessed further by the end of the year. In order to achieve this, everyone in the project needs to do their part. EDI training, which is open to all, will be launched in the coming weeks along with the update of nine policies that will impact the diversity and inclusion of our workforce. There is opportunity for everyone to be actively involved so in whatever capacity, please be part of the conversation."